:: Contact Ceru Sock Monkey
Have a question for Ceru or maybe an addition to SockMonkey.net? Feel free to contact us using the methods below.
Tamara Hudson
22228 SW Pima Ave.
Tualatin, Or 97062
Bulk sales phone:
(contact via email for #)
All items but small sock orders, are sent out via USPS Priority (2-3 days).
:: An Interview with Ceru
I: Thank you for meeting with us Mr. Ceru.
Ceru: Just call me Ceru. I am a monkey that knows he is just made from socks.
I: What have you been doing with your time of recent? I have heard of a coming commercial for Apple and there is that pesky Pod-cast that was announced last year.
Ceru: Thanks for bringing that up, the Pod-cast has been set aside for the moment in lue of some more creative projects. One such project is a commercial with ...well... I should probably not let the cat out of the bag just yet.
I: The new website, SockMonkey.net, is quite ambitious. What inspired this?
Ceru: I just found it frustrating to find single socks, patterns and even answers to questions like "What is the difference between Vintage and normal Sock Monkey Socks. So I thought if no human was going to do it, I would use my Tamara given fluff and do it myself.
I: Thanks for your time.
Ceru: Thank you and all my fans. Shout out to Lucius!